Red Cards & Red Card Worthy Incidents

When to Report

  • When a player is issued a Direct Red Card for Violent Conduct (think: off the ball incident).

  • When a technical staff member is issued a Red Card for any reason.

  • When a player receives a Yellow Card, foul, or nothing, but you believe it to be clearly worthy of a Red Card for Violent Conduct.

When NOT to Report

  • When a player is issued a Direct Red Card for Serious Foul Play (think: bad tackle in live play).

  • When a player receives a second yellow card (unless you believe that incident was worthy of a direct red card for violent conduct on its own).

  • When a player receives a Direct Red Card for DOGSO (Denial of Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity) - Think: striker in on goal 1v1 with GK and defender pulls his jersey from behind.