2024 Week 6

No Further Action

03.23.24 CLT-CLB Jones RC Challenge Diani 25min


03.23.24 COL-HOU Escobar Contact Mihailovic 73min


03.23.24 COL-HOU Artur Contact Maxso 96+min (Club Request)

Further Action

03.23.24 CLT-CLB Jones Failure to leave field 27min

The Committee's unanimous decision is that Columbus Crew midfielder Derrick Jones failed to leave the field in a timely manner.  Derrick Jones will be issued a fine for this action.


03.23.24 COL-HOU Mass Confrontation 98+min

The Committee’s unanimous decision is that the Colorado Rapids have violated the League’s Mass Confrontation Policy.  This is the first violation of the 2024 MLS Season for the Club.  The Colorado Rapids and Head Coach Chris Armas will be issued Official Warnings for this violation.  Any additional violation(s) of the policy will result in a fine to the Club and a fine to the Head Coach. Each violation thereafter will result in the doubling of the fine.

Competition Policy Violations

3.23.24 LAFC-NSH

03.23.24 LAFC-NSH Head Coach Cherundolo Ball Retrieval Violation 68min

LAFC Head Coach Steve Cherundolo can be seen seen rolling the ball from the midfield ball stand disk with his feet to a player for a throw in. LAFC will be issued an Official Warning with a fine held in abeyance for their first offense of the season.

3.23.24 CLT-CLB

03.23.24 Video Board Replay Policy Investigation CLT-CLB

The League Office hereby issues CLT a formal warning for a violation of the Video Board Use Policy. Pursuant to the Policy, a controversial replay may be shown a maximum of three (3) times (e.g., two (2) replays before a video review and one (1) replay after) and must adhere to the rules related to angles set forth in the Policy. CLT will receive an Official Warning for their first violation. Any violations after this will result in a fine to the Club.

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