2024 Week 24

No Further Action

07.03.24 CLT-MIA Agyemang RC Contact Bright 96+min

Further Action

07.03.24 CLT-MIA Agyemang Failure to leave field 96+min

The Committee's unanimous decision is that Charlotte FC forward Patrick Agyemang failed to leave the field in a timely manner.  Patrick Agyemang will be issued a fine for this action.

Competition Policy Violations

07.03.24 DC-CIN

07.03.24 DC-CIN CIN Asst. Rogers Interacting with Match Officials at Halftime

CIN Asst. Coach Paul Rogers can be seen approaching the Match Officials after the halftime whistle. CIN will receive an Official Warning for their first offense of the season.


07.03.24 DAL-POR

07.03.24 DAL-POR POR Staff Ball Retrieval Violation 83min

A POR Staff member down the sideline from the bench can be seen taking a ball off from a sideline ball stand to deliver it to the field quickly for the restart. This is the second violation of the 2024 MLS Season for the Club. The Club will be issued a fine (fine for the second violation + fine held in abeyance for the first violation). 

07.03.24 MIN-VAN

07.03.24 MIN-VAN MIN HC Ramsay Ball Retrieval Violation 64min

MIN Head Coach Ramsay can be seen picking a ball off from a bench sideline ball stand to quickly deliver it to his player for a thrown-in. MIN will receive an Official Warning with a fine held in abeyance.

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