2023 Week 25

No Further Action

07.12.23 RBNY-CIN Ordonez Simulation-Embellishment 17min


07.12.23 NSH-PHI Moore RC Contact Carranza 93+min


07.12.23 NSH-PHI Carranza RC Contact Moore 93+min

Further Action


07.12.23 SKC-RSL Kinda Simulation-Embellishment 67min

It is the Committee's unanimous decision that Sporting Kansas City midfielder Gadi Kinda is guilty of simulation/embellishment.  Mr. Kinda will be issued a fine for this action. The yellow card issued to Real Salt Lake forward Cristian Arango, as a result of this incident, will be absolved from his yellow card accumulation total and any disciplinary points from Real Salt Lake’s total will be dismissed.

07.12.23 NSH-PHI Carranza Failure to leave field 93+min

It is the Committee's unanimous decision that Philadelphia Union forward Julian Carranza failed to leave the field in a timely and orderly manner.  Mr. Carranza will be issued a fine for this action.

Competition Policy Violations

07.12.23 VAN-ATX

ATX Asst Arnaud Ball Retrieval Violation 90+5min

ATX Asst Arnaud removes the ball from the midfield ball stand and delivers it back to his player for a throw in. ATX will receive an Official Warning with a fine held in abeyance for their first violation of the season.

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